Research Group
Dr Marta Modolo
My main research interest is the Zooarchaeology and Taphonomy of prehistoric and protohistoric sites. I developed a multidisciplinary methodology based on bone refits, GIS and statistical analysis to interpret and understand faunal accumulations and develop hypotheses about settlement patterns.
Prof Marco Peresani
Ordinary Professor at the University of Ferrara, is an internationally leading researcher in human evolution. His main research topics include the study and the comprehension of Neanderthal behaviour and AMHs bio-cultural replacement, the prehistoric peopling of Europe and the Late Glacial-Early Holocene hunter-gatherer settlement dynamics. He focuses on depositional and post-depositional processes using lithic technology as a primary research tool. Most of his relevant investigations revealed the existence of Neanderthal behavioural variability across the Middle-Upper Palaeolithic and the Upper Palaeolithic-Early Mesolithic transitions.
Prof Leor Grosman
Is an international specialist in the field of Prehistory from the Palaeolithic to the Neolithic Age. She is the Head of the Prehistoric Archaeology Department and of the Computational Archaeology Laboratory which harnesses mathematical and computational methods, to support archaeological research, documentation and visualization of archaeological finds. Her main research interest is focused on the transition from hunting-gathering to food production, Epi-Palaeolithic flint technology, post-depositional damages, development of mathematical and computational methods to assist archaeological research.
Dr Francesco Carrer
Between 2015 and 2019 he was a Research Associate at the McCord Centre for Landscape of Newcastle University. In the last four years, he has been working on Historic Landscape Characterisation and GIS-based landscape analysis in Turkey (CHiLaT) and has coordinated fieldwork projects in the Italian Alps (UPLanD and ALPES). His main research interests are in landscape archaeology and ethnoarchaeology, mountain archaeology, spatial analysis and computer modelling, specifically in seasonal pastoralism, from an ethnographic and an archaeological perspective, and in the development of GIS applications for analysing long-term socio-ecological dynamics.